Today we are featuring Author Tina Smith She is Here with us and we will be having a lot of chit-chat but first let me introduce you to her
Tell us something about your book?
What inspires your hyperactive mind to dish out such feisty novels?
How did you come up with such a beautiful title?
Tell us about the cover and how it came to be?
What can you tell us about Lila Crain? How is she different from other characters?
What’s the reason for your obsession with wolves?
Would you like to try any other genre in future?
Please tell us something about Dusk in Shade?
What connects your supernatural characters to real world?
When did you start your tryst with literature?
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Did your novel take you in any unexpected direction, something completely off what you had planned?
What do you consider the most important part of a good story?
How much do the characters in your novel reflect you or people that you know in your real life?
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
What other some books are you coming up with?
Any message you want to give to your readers?
Author Tina Smith
Tina Smith lives in Adelaide South Australia. Having spent most of her life as an un-diagnosed introvert in country N.S.W. She is the Author of four books in the award nominated paranormal series, Wolf Sirens. She is a poet and a qualified Naturopath and Herbalist. She has a broad range of qualifications, including Iridology and Massage. But her main passion in life has always been writing. Tina inspires, entertains and examines life. She writes award nominated poetry and paranormal, romantic and suspense fueled tales about cursed wolves. She learnt to shoot for Wolf Sirens and she is currently obsessed with her writing. Night is the time her creative juices flow and she loves exploring the lives of her protagonist's within the paranormal genre under the light of the moon. She is driven to write and connect with readers through her mad-capped imagination - you could say it's a calling... Dawn In Shade, the fifth novel in the series, will be released later 2014.Please leave reviews online.
Aihik Saha
Wolf Sirens is a romance series about cursed Demigods in a town called Shade. It’s paranormal with a lot of depth, angst and action which you either love or hate.
Thanks, I look for inspiration everywhere. The original idea came from an unmet childhood desire for strong female characters in literature and television that I Wanted as role models.
Once again thank you. I played around with words, I love words. I wanted to be original but still be true to the story. I probably came up with it when I was more than halfway done writing the first book. It was a perfect word combo.
I was pretty cash strapped so I sourced the images myself. I knew someone who knew someone who could do what I wanted with them and another friend of mine chose the font and the rest is history!
Lila is often viewed as a spoilt and cold hearted character. I sympathize with her. Her Brother is a jerk and her parents just divorced, she is ignored and her father has run off with another woman. She’s had a hard time of it in the city and she has a lot of growing up to do. She grows a lot throughout the first book and this theme continues with varying degree throughout the series. Ultimately she is Artemis, and Artemis takes no prisoners.
I don’t know really. Though I am a long standing dog lover. I have thought about it before and the canine species is just so like us in a lot of ways. They are good company. Affectionate, loyal and nearly always in a pleasant mood.
Yes definitely. I have thought about writing N/A and plain Y/A too. I have to write a short PN story for an anthology that I am organizing with other authors, due out late next year. Contact me if you are an interested Author!
Be prepared as the pace picks up. Expect more wolves, hunters and action! There’s more tension, red herrings and super surprises than ever before!Everything builds to a huge mega climax. You should be on the edge of your seat. It’s the regular roller coaster but super charged as Lila faces a new enemy.
The series progresses to become slightly more skewed to fantasy. However the first 4 books are very paranormal. Shade (the setting) is very real, all the characters are everyday people, it just so happens that a few are infected with wolf venom and fewer still are afflicted with Artemis’ curse. And I love the angst that that brings of covering up a supernatural lifestyle and hiding it from the real world.
I have always been a writer at heart. Perhaps I didn’t always consciously know it. I always wrote poems and kept journals. I started to write WS1 when I was about 27. I think I was ready to open up a creative vein and brave enough to say here is my work. Because your first novel is really just your heart on a plate.
Pantser, all the way. Though I should admit that I do think about things either very consciously or unconsciously, heaps. As a result I seem very quiet but then I can shock you with a very well thought out idea.
No. Like I said I don’t plan. I had a feeling and an idea, a lot of drive and inspiration. I reworked characters and went over paragraphs until I had it right, but my main motivation remained the same. Wolves, angst, romance and strong quirky dynamic characters. Hopefully I achieved that.
The connection and the love between the characters. I like a lot of description and I love a lot of desire. That’s what keeps me connected and reading late into the night.
Probably more than I would like to admit. I think you should write what you know. When people criticize my characters and plot, I do take it a little hard because of that but at the same time I know I can stand solid in the fact that they might not like it or think its plausible or right but I have had those moments and I know those characters, so no amount of doubt thrown my way can stop my belief in the fact that I wrote a good story.
I’m on the computer marketing or cooking dinner or walking the dog. I also work in retail and I am wrapping up my studies.
I have an interest in sci-fi, fairytales and New Adult. I think my heart is in Young Adult but I will be writing some more paranormal for my Writers Co-op Anthology novel. Vampires or aliens might be in the cards.
If you read and like Wolf Sirens then please review it. Mainly so that others can see that the book is worth picking up and reading. Word of mouth is important to any novels success. Without your great reviews I wouldn’t be where I am now and for that I am very, very grateful and able to bring you more of what I love to do.
Thank you for being with us today
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